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Ignacio Quezada@ignacioquezada

Hola, consulta, al hacer el build me aparece el siguiente problema:

yarn build

yarn run v1.22.10

$ react-scripts build

Creating an optimized production build...

Failed to compile.


SassError: Invalid CSS after ".": expected selector, was ".#ff0-100"

    on line 46 of node_modules/edteam-style-guides/dev/scss/theme/colors/_color-prototype.scss, in mixin `color-palette`

    from line 64 of node_modules/edteam-style-guides/dev/scss/theme/colors/_color-prototype.scss

    from line 69 of node_modules/edteam-style-guides/dev/scss/edteam-style-guides.scss

    from line 1 of node_modules/edteam-style-guides/edteam-style-guides.scss

    from line 2 of /Users/nacho/Desktop/Cursos/Edteam/React-basico/workshop-react/plataforma/src/styles/styles.scss



error Command failed with exit code 1.

info Visit for documentation about this command.

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